Wednesday, November 10, 2010

School of Shame.

I took my new class to gym today. As I walked by, I heard music playing and wondered what they were listening to. I stopped by the door and thought, "Oh, it's the Camp Rock 2 soundtrack."

And then I realized how entirely shameful it is that I should be able to correctly** identify the Camp Rock 2 soundtrack after a moment's listening.

I have no excuse for this one, guys.

**I confirmed this with my class once we got back to the room.


B said...

Hahahahahah I've so done that before, but then I quickly say "I used to be a nanny" so they don't think I'm jamming to it at home...but sometimes i do...

Amanda said...

It's so nice to have those excuses in your back pocket! "I teach first grade" is like an all-access pass to knowing the stars of High School Musical. Or wearing Silly Bandz. Not that I do that...