Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Ups and Downs

Let me tell you a little bit about my day teaching preschool.

Good start: I got to read a couple great books to my class. (Eric Carle, I love you.)

Not so hot: I had a crier. Apparently he isn't in school much, so hasn't adjusted yet. So he spent a couple hours screaming and crying and trying to bolt out the door. (Score?) He didn't want anything to do with me, so I had to trick him into doing a puzzle with me.

Awesome: I was invited, twice, to play at one boy's house after school. It's tough, being such a heartbreaker.

Also awesome: Had a birthday in class today, which meant our snack friend brought doughnuts.

Pretty good day, overall. I know, I know--I've been MIA. I had family in town, and then I left town to see some family. Fairly eventful--details to follow!
Oh, and I finally took the recommendations of many and read Twilight. I found it to be surprisingly excellent. DO NOT TELL ME ANYTHING, since I've only read the first one. (So far.)


Anonymous said...

That's "donut", as in Dunkin' Donuts--you should know better.

Amanda said...

It wasn't Dunkin', though!
