Sitting with the brilliant and fabulous women from my college days this weekend, I stumbled onto the notion that my love life (and by that I clearly mean lack thereof) could be summed up through the use of a Venn Diagram.
It happened quite by accident. But once I drew it in the air to demonstrate, it sounded accurate. We tried to poke holes in my reasoning--and failed. However, I'm sure it's just a matter of time--so I'll say that 60% of the time, it works every time. Until further notice.
And so I present to you, a real-world application of my middle school math classes:
Factors Contributing To My Single Status.

1. I'm stealing this and totally giving you credit.
2. BADASS paint skills.
3. Did I mention I'm stealing this?
We are soul sisters, still. I drew a very similar diagram not too long ago .. although lacked the motivation to transform it into the beautiful graphic you have here :)
And Mr. Possible Poor Life Choices is currently still purple, yes? Hehe
Brianne: I'm glad you agree with my logic here!
Amy: I can't believe we've both diagrammed our love lives. This is another of the many reason we're friends. :)
Samm: I don't know that we can call Mr. PLC purple. Red for sure...but I hesitate to move him to purple!
I guess I should have noted that this does not even venture into "Is he available?" territory. That would least 3 more diagrams and would only serve to further depress me.
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